
Professors Urge Major Reforms In Foreign Policy

A plea "that our whole foreign policy be re-examined" was made last night by Howard Mumford Jones, professor of English.

Jones, a signatory of the protest "America Needs A New Foreign Policy," published in yesterday's New York Times, urged that America "cease to pretend that Chiang Kai-shek is a big power."

Calling for efforts to reduce world tension, Jones stressed "the importance of increased freedom of travel" between West and the Communist bloc.

Asked whether it was dangerous to assume that the Communists want to end the cold war, Jones replied, "All life involves risk, but the Russians and the Chinese do not want to hover on a brink any more than we do."

David O. Riesman '31, Ford Professor, another signer of the protest, emphasized the need to "create a field of imaginative discussion of foreign policy alternatives," and the need for "more active bipartisan debate." Commenting on national "complacency at several levels--public, press, and government," Riesman declared that there was "not enough exciting treatment of foreign news by media."


"Any policy means a fantastically perilous world situation, but increased efforts to negotiate with the Communists represents the least hazardous course.

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