
Kistiakowsky Is Named American Science Delegate

The State Department has named George B. Kistiakowsky, Abbott and James Lawrence Professor of Chemistry, as one of the three United States representatives in East-West talks in Geneva Nov. 10 on the prevention of a surprise military attack.

Kistiakowsky, who teaches Chemistry 60, was born at Kiev in Russia 58 years ago. He is also a member of President Eisenhower's Science Advisory Committee.

The three-man U.S. delegation will meet with delegates from Britain, France, Canada, Italy, Soviet Russia, Poland, Rumania, and Czechoslovakia.

The meeting will be concerned only with technical means of preventing surprise military attacks, with military questions being left to a later diplomatic conference if this session reaches agreement.

Same Procedure Followed


The same procedure was followed at last summer's conference of scientists on ways of enforcing an agreement to suspend nuclear tests. A diplomatic session will begin Oct. 31 following agreement by the scientists that a nuclear test suspension program is technically feasible.

Kistiakowsky also participated in the Manhattan project which developed the atomic bomb during World War II.
