
Herter Asserts Win By Mass. Democrats Could Wreck GOP

"If the Democrats win both Houses of the Massachusetts legislature this fall, I would fear gerymandering on a large scale," Christian A. Herter, Jr. '41, candidate for state Attorney General, told the Law School Republican Club yesterday at a luncheon in Harkness Commons. "If this happens," he said, "you can say good-bye to the Republican Party in Massachusetts."

Attacking the present Democratic administration for "ignorance, incompetence, and irresponsibility," Herter urged a Republican victory to "stamp out the political bosses," and "attract industry to the Commonwealth."

"I am not connected with any big city political machine," Herter declared, "and I don't think anyone who is should be Attorney General. The pressures in this state are too great."

Herter's government experience includes a stint as Director of the $4 billion a year Foreign Operations Administration. Recently, he served as vice-President Nixon's Administrative Assistant.


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