
Democrats Announce Bills to Add $2 Billion to Defense Spending, New Cabinet Post for Science

WASHINGTON, Jan. 19--Senate Democrats are packaging a defense buildup program that could add as much as two billion dollars to the new military funds requested by President Eisenhower.

Sen. Jackson (D-Wash.) said a proposed single-package amendment to the defense appropriations bill probably will call for increased production of long range missiles, the Navy underwater-fired Polaris missile and the special submarines to launch it.

The proposed amendment apparently reflects strong Democratic belief that Eisenhower did not ask for sufficient funds in his request for $1 1/4 billion in emergency money or his nearly $40-billion defense budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1.

New Department Proposed

WASHINGTON, Jan. 19--Creation of a new Cabinet-level science department was proposed today to centralize and intensify America's effort to meet the Soviet challenge in space.


Sens. McClellan (D-Ark.) and Humphrey (D-Minn.) announced they would introduce a bill establishing a department of science and technology under a secretary who would direct the government's civilian science activities.

The Atomic Energy Commission would be transferred to the new department, along with the National Science Foundation, the National Bureau of Standards, the Patent Office, and other agencies, as part of a sweeping reorganization.

Guatemalan Election

GUATEMALA, Jan. 19--Guatamalans tried again today to elect a successor to President Carlos Castillo Armas, assassinated last July by one of his guards. An election three months ago was nullified after bloody rioting.

There was speculation that new political turmoil would help the outlawed Communists bore back into influence in this coffee-growing Central American republic.

Sputnik Sighted

CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Jan. 19--Moon-watch scientists tonight reported an official sighting of Sputnik II, Russia's dog-satellite, as it sped around the earth some 400 miles in space.

A spokesman for the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory said the man-made moon was first sighted at 6:28:38 p.m. and was visible until 6:31:06 p.m.

Ku Klux Klan

MAXTON, N. C., Jan. 19--Sheriff Malcolm McLeod said today he will ask that Klansmen be indicted on charges of inciting a riot after gun-wielding Indians broke up a Klan rally in this Lumbee Indian area last night

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