
Two Student Groups Elect New Officers; Sodality Celebrates

The Pierian Sodality of 1808 and the Debate Council both elected officers Jan. 9.

Now celebrating its sesquiscentennial, The Pierian Sodality elected Rollin T. Kearns '59 of Wauwatosa, Wis; the new Debate president is David L. Bynum '59 of Coffeyville, Kansas and Kirkland.

Other Pierian Sodality electees are: Daniel M. Musher '59 of New York and Kirkland, vice-president; Harlow Russell, III '60 of Winchester, Mass. and Eliot, treasurer; Paul H. Riesman '60 of Chicago, III. and Adams, Secretary.

Other Debate officers are: John M. Ferren '59 of Evanston, III. and Kirkland, vice-president; Larry E. Reeder '59 of Topeka, Kansas and Kirkland, Corresponding Secretary; Charles E. Lister '60 of Miami, Florida and Leverett, Home Secretary; Gregory M. Harvey '59 of Morristown, N.J. and Kirkland, Director of Competitions; James D. Lorenz '60 of Dayton, Ohio and Eliot, Treasurer; and James H. McConomy '59 of Wadsworth, Ohio and Eliot, Publicity Director.
