The Pierian Sodality of 1808 and the Debate Council both elected officers Jan. 9.
Now celebrating its sesquiscentennial, The Pierian Sodality elected Rollin T. Kearns '59 of Wauwatosa, Wis; the new Debate president is David L. Bynum '59 of Coffeyville, Kansas and Kirkland.
Other Pierian Sodality electees are: Daniel M. Musher '59 of New York and Kirkland, vice-president; Harlow Russell, III '60 of Winchester, Mass. and Eliot, treasurer; Paul H. Riesman '60 of Chicago, III. and Adams, Secretary.
Other Debate officers are: John M. Ferren '59 of Evanston, III. and Kirkland, vice-president; Larry E. Reeder '59 of Topeka, Kansas and Kirkland, Corresponding Secretary; Charles E. Lister '60 of Miami, Florida and Leverett, Home Secretary; Gregory M. Harvey '59 of Morristown, N.J. and Kirkland, Director of Competitions; James D. Lorenz '60 of Dayton, Ohio and Eliot, Treasurer; and James H. McConomy '59 of Wadsworth, Ohio and Eliot, Publicity Director.
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