
CRIME Editions Cut for Exams

Snowbound in the wilds of Siberia, where they are secretly gathering information on Russian missiles, Crimeds have relayed word to the Free World that, due to censorship, the CRIMSON will limit its publication to five times a week during reading period, dropping its Saturday issue beginning this week.

Further reports carried by atomic-powered dog sled, a new Russian weapon, disclose that during the coming exam period the CRIMSON will publish on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. There will be no issue on January 31.

So far, no contact has been made by the University with these intrepid and hard-working Crimeds, although some have suggested messages be placed in the Vanguard, which could be aimed at Russia. The Faculty, sympathizing with the students' display of devotion, has excused them from classes for several months.


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