
Program Has Received $20 Million in Pledges

Fund-Raising Dinners to Begin This Week

The Program for Harvard College is rolling right along on schedule with collections up to expectations as the big push begins this week.

Thus far $20 million has been promised, with $16 or $17 million actually on hand in the form of cash or written pledges to give. The eventual goal of the Program is $82.5 million.

The first series of fund-raising dinners will be held this week, as University figures will travel as far as San Diego to seek the money of assembled alumni.

Wilbur J. Bender '27, Dean of Admissions and Financial Aids, will speak in Kansas City. Daniel S. Cheever '39, Director of Alumni Affairs, will swing through the Southwest, addressing Harvard audiences in San Diego, Denver and Phoenix.

Closer to home, John M. Bullitt '43, associate professor of English and Master of the Eighth House, will speak in Louisville. John U. Munro '34, director of the Financial Aid Office, will talk in Exeter, N. H.


Undergraduate Participation

Plans for undergraduate participation in the dinners are still being formulated. As yet, only one student has been chosen to speak at a Program function. He is Rollin S. Burhans, Jr. '59, of Dunster House, who will speak in Louisville with Bullitt.

Program officials announced yesterday that organizational work was well along toward completion. One hundred and twenty local communities--covering 36,000 of the College's 45,000 alumni--have now been set up and are beginning work.

Film to Be Shown

The motion picture that will be shown at the dinners, "To the Age That Is Waiting," has been completed and screened by officials in Cambridge. Filmed last spring and summer, it shows the College today and emphasizes its needs for the future.
