
Yovicsin Works on Weak Defense In Preparation for Big Red Team

With the season's opener against Cornell only a week away, the varsity football team is working rapidly to strengthen its defense and add some polish to its offense.

Since last Saturday's scrimmage with Tufts, Coach John Yovicsin's main concern has been with the Crimson's defensive maneuvering.

The team is finally beginning to do things instinctively, according to Yovicsin. Against Tufts, the players were covering the right men and moving the right way on pass defense, but the opposing receivers were getting behind the defense, leaving the Crimson extremely vulnerable. The main problem was getting their timing adjusted, and the players are beginning to solve that problem.

In the backfield and, to a slightly lesser degree, in the line, starting positions are being filled. It appears that, barring injuries, Walt Stahura will start at quaterback, with Dick McLaughlin backing him up. Stahura will also do the kicking for Harvard.

Sophomore Chet Boulris, one of the most promising backs to arrive on the local football scene in many years, will run from the left halfback position. Charlie Leamy, who has been a very pleasant surprise this year for Yovicsin, will play behind Boulris at left half. Leamy was rated no higher than the second team on last year's freshman squad.


Opposite Boulris at right half will probably be 170-pound scatback Don Gerety. Early season scrimmages indicated that Bill Crowley, a fast 200-pounder just returned from a tour of duty with the Army, would play in this position, but Crowley has been out of action with a cold for several days, and Yovicsin has put Gerety in the top position.

Sam Halaby seems slated to open at fullback for the Crimson, with Stan Merkel playing behind him. Halaby has improved quite a bit since the first practices and looked good against Tufts.

In the line, Bob Foster has won the starting berth at center, and Carl Framke, just back in action following an appendectomy, should give added support as he rounds into shape. Guard slots will be manned by Harold Anderson and Tom Hill, subbing for the injured Jim Keating. There has never been much doubt that veterans Pete Briggs and Bob Shaunessy would start at tackle, and by this time any doubts have certainly been removed. Dave Schein will give strong support at this position.

At the ends, Yovicsin is still plagued by injuries. Hal Keohane has been sidelined with a leg injury, and captain Tom Hooper has also been out of action for several days. Hooper is expected back in action on Monday. John Soucek and Stu Hershon have been out for long stretches of time with injuries, and John Copeland returned to action against Tufts following trouble with his leg.

It is difficult to tell definitely, but the most probable starters seem to be Hooper and Copeland. A much improved junior, Warren Huff, will be one of the top reserves.

With most of the positions fairly well settled, Yovicsin felt that his squad was still a week away from where he would like it to be, but he predicted that the Crimson would hit its stride in time for the opener.
