
City Council Asks Survey Of Parking

The Cambridge City Council has passed a ruling asking the city police to survey traffic conditions around the University "with a view to enforcing all traffic regulations in order to clear congestion."

Such a survey, has been carried on for the past 25 years, police chief Patrick F. Ready said last night, and "no one has come up with the right answer yet." He expressed doubt that this survey would produce any more results, and added that he thought the University Police can handle the parking situation by itself. "We're interested mostly in the illegal parking of apartment house residents, where University Police have no jurisdiction," he said.

Velluccl Opinion

As to the Council ruling's implied criticism of city laxness in University ticketing, Ready would say only that "this is election year."

The survey order was understood by one Councilor, however, to be concerned only with MTA buses. Councilor Alfred Vellucci said last night that the order was not at all directed toward Harvard students, but that it was aimed at "the heavy congestion in Harvard Square," and passed in an attempt to "stop all buses violating traffic laws there."


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