
Ike Places Ark. National Guard Under Army Control; U.S. Troops Guard Negroes Entering School

LITTLE ROCK--Paratroopers from the Army's famed 101st Airborne Division took up stations around Central High School Tuesday night, scene of disorders resulting from efforts to integrate Negro pupils in the school. The force, said to number 500, split--one group going to the high school and the other to Little Rock's National Guard armory. A number of Negro paratroopers were seen in convey trucks.

The troops, stationed at Ft. Campbell, Ky. were flown to Little Rock after President Eisenhower federalized the Arkansas National Guard and authorized use of regular troops to enforce federal school intgration orders.

Federalizing of the Arkansas National Guard and the Star Air National Guard placed 9,900 guardsmen under Army control and took them from state control.

Gov. Orval Faubus, until today civilian commander of the Guard, called up some of the guardsmen Sept. 2, he said, to prevent Negroes from entering Central High School and to prevent violence.

"If federal troops are there to protect the children, the Negro children will go to school tomorrow," said Mrs. L. C. Bates, NAACP state leader.


Faubus arrives by plane from Southern Governors Conference at Sea Island, Ga., and said "I feel like Gen. MacArthur. I feel relieved." He said state authority would have settled the city's integration problem "without violence" it the president had left the "law and order to us."

Eisenhower Speech

WASHINGTON--In a nationwide television and radio broadcast, President Eisenhower Tuesday night said he hurried federal troops to Little rock because "mob rule" there menaced the safety of the United States and the free world. He declared that "our enemies" abroad are gloating over the school integration riots in Little Rock and using it to misrepresent the United States. "Mob rule cannot be allowed to over-ride the decision of the courts," he said, and then pledged "if resistance to the federal court orders cease at once, the further presence of federal troops will be unnecessary..."

Eisenhower added that "under the leadership of demagogic extremists, disorderly mobs have deliberately prevented the carrying out of proper orders from a federal court." (The federal court orders he referred to were those of Judge Ronald Davies.)

However, the added that "Local authorities have not eliminated that violent opposition and, under the law, I yesterday issued a proclamation calling upon the mob to disperse."

Governor's Suggestion

SEA ISLAND, GA.--Gov. Luther P. Hodges of North Carolina proposed that Southern Governors Conference suggest to President Eisenhower that maintenance of law and order in Arkansas is primary responsibility of Gov. Orval Faubus. Gov. Frank clement of Tennessee proposed a committee of seven governors meet with Eisenhower to seek solution to integration problems which would avoid use of federal troops.
