
1932 Arrives in Cambridge For Twenty-Fifth Reunion

Class Begins Five-Day Celebration With Warm-Up, Tours Tomorrow

Without noticeable inhibition, the depression Class of 1932 descended on Cambridge yesterday for the Celebration of the traditionally elated 25th Reunion.

More than 1,300 alumni and their dependents had registered for the five-day celebration by 10:00 last night in the Union.

Planned festivities began yesterday with an informal get-together at the Hasty Pudding, followed by an informal reception and cocktail party for President and Mrs. Pusey at Harkness Commons. The reception, held outdoors in the Harkness courtyard, was followed by buffet supper at the Graduate Center.

Last night, children of the reunioners attended warm-ups and dances at the Union, Adams and Leverett Houses.

This morning, tours will be held for alumni of major scientific buildings and laboratories around the University. Groups will leave Sever Hall at 9:45, 10, and 10:15 a.m.


At 10:45 reunioners can watch the Phi Beta Kappa fife-and-drum parade and exercises at 11:00 in Sanders Theatre. In the afternoon, beginning at 12:05, is the traditional Memorial Service for deceased class members of 1932.

In the afternoon comes a class symposium entitled "The Education of 1932," beginning at 2:15 in New Lecture Hall.

Tomorrow night '32 will invade Boston for cocktails and dancing at the Statler.

On Tuesday the class will make the annual trek to Essex County Club for the yearly 25th reunion athletic contests and encounter with innumerable lobsters. Included on the varied program will be the traditional softball game between fathers and senior sons.

Members of the Class of '32 will also attend the University Symposium on Wednesday in Paine Hall. Speakers for the event are Dean Bundy, Dean Bender, and Ronald M. Ferry, retiring Master of Winthrop House.

The annual Harvard-Yale baseball game will be the occasion on Wednesday for the gala, if disorganized, parade to Soldiers Field. After the game, classmates and their wives will travel at 6:45 to Symphony Hall for cocktails and dinner, to be followed by the special Boston Pops concert, Arthur Fiedler conducting.

By Thursday, things become relatively serious again, with an Alumni Parade in front of Harvard Hall beginning at 9:30, followed by Commencement Exercises at 10:00 in the Tercentenary Theatre.

At noon on Commencement day, '32 will have its spread in the Strauss Quadrangle of the Yard, while wives and senior sons and daughters dine in the Union.

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