
Hygiene Dept Renews Polio Vaccinations

Mass Inoculations To Begin Tuesday

An all-out University "Polio Shot Week" will be launched next Tuesday, Dr. John C. Wells, Jr., assistant physician to the University Health Services, announced last night. The mass inoculations will continue for four days.

Health Service physicians will dispense the vaccine Tuesday to Friday next week at 15 Holyoke St. daily from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Wells said that no appointments need be made, and "we'll keep giving first and second shots just as long as the supply lasts." He emphasized that "as many young adults as possible should get their shots before July 1."

Companies Increase Production

According to Wells, the national demand for polio vaccine during April was higher than the available supply. Drug companies, however, have recently stepped up production to meet this demand. "But the supply available to us is certainly not unlimited, and a few might be disappointed," Wells continued. "If the supply lasts, we hope to hold mass inoculations again during the first week of June."

The shots will be given to students at the College, the graduate schools of Public Administration, Arts and Sciences, Education, Design, and at the Divinity Schools. Students at the Business, Law, and Medical schools should contact their own health officers.
