
Gilmore to Be Acting Lowell House Master

Perkins Will Spend Next Spring Abroad

Myron P. Gilmore, professor of History, will serve as Acting Master of Lowell House next spring while Master Elliott Perkins is away for the term.

Gilmore, who has been associated with Lowell House since 1936, served as Senior Tutor when Perkins became Master in 1940. At present, he is a Faculty Associate of the House.

Commenting on the appointment, Perkins said yesterday that Gilmore had taken over for him at various times, particularly during the summers of immediate post-war years. "He is the ideal fellow from my point of view," Perkins said. "It's no change except for the better."

Gilmore in Europe

At present Gilmore, who teaches Renaissance and Reformation history, is in Europe on a sabbatical. Although he has spent most of the year in Rome, he is currently travelling in Eastern Europe.


Perkins said yesterday that he and Mrs. Perkins would travel in Europe during the spring and summer, spending the majority of the time in England.

He explained that he "wanted to sit down in London and catch up on a lot of reading." He also mentioned the possibility of visiting in-laws.

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