WASHINGTON, May 20--Fellow union chiefs today found Dave Beck guilty of "gross misuse of union funds entrusted to his care" and virtually read him out of the labor movement.
The AFL-CIO Executive Council, organized labor's highest tribunal, removed Beck permanently as an AFL-CIO vice president and council member on charges leveled by the Senate Rackets Investigating Committee.
For the pudgy, 62-year-old Beck the unanimous action was a heavy blow. His own Teamsters Union is reported taking steps to oust him as president, even though these moves are slow in taking shape.
Suez Settlement Urged
UNITED NATIONS, N.Y., May 20--France and Britain joined against Soviet opposition today and urged Egypt to negotiate a Suez Canal settlement founded on international confidence.
Foreign Minister Christian Pineau of France touched off the latest round of Suez talk with a call on the 11-nation Security Council to arrange new negotiations with Egypt for a permanent settlement. He drew quick backing from Sir Pierson Dixon of Britain, and Ronald Walker of Australia.
A.P. News in Brief
The embattled ruling council, governing Haiti by decree, ousted the country's army chief yesterday. New turmoil threatened this island republic of four million, which has been pushing toward political and economic chaos for six months.
Premier Guy Mollet faces a showdown today in the National Assembly on his demand that Frenchmen ante up more taxes to pay the cost of fighting rebellion in Algeria.
Prime Minister Nobusuke Kishi took off last night on an unprecedented mission of good will to South Asian countries.
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