Opposition was brewing in the ranks of the Young Republicans last night against a motion passed at a general meeting earlier in the afternoon to memorialize the United States Senate for the repeal of Sen. McCarthy's censure.
Only a few hours after the resolution was passed, by a vote of 21-15, Harold Hestnes '58 and David E. Demson '57 started a move to have the question reconsidered at another general meeting of the club.
No announcement that the McCarthy question would be brought up had been made previous to the meeting, according to Hestnes. He admitted, however, that the H.Y.R.C. by-laws do not require previous notice of the questions to be discussed.
Hestnes reported that club president N. William Smith, Jr. '58 had promised to bring up the question before the Planning Committee, which schedules all general club meetings. By late last night, opponents to the resolution about McCarthy had reportedly collected over 22 signatures.
Several H.Y.R.C. members predicted a showdown between the conservatives and the liberals in the club, if the Planning Committee agrees to call another meeting.
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