
Bryden, Scrivner Win $200 Debate Award

David P. Bryden '57 of Lowell House and Morristown, N.J., and Robert W. Scrivner '57, of Kirkand House and Topeka, Kan., won the $200 Coolidge Prize last night in their practice debate for the Harvard - Yale - Princeton Triangulars which begin today.

This marked the third time that Bryden has won the prize making it the first time that it has ben won by the same man three years in a row.

The two seniors debated the topic "Resolved: That no fetters should be put upon man's right to express freely his political beliefs." Scrivner, Gregory M. Harvey '59, and James L. Kincaid '58 will debate the negative or this topic against the Yale debaters at 8 p.m. in the Ames Court Room in Austin Hall.


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