
King Hussein Rejects Resolution For Diplomatic Ties With Soviet; Ike to Urge Passage of Program

AMMAN, Jordan, April 28--King Hussein turned thumbs down today on diplomatic ties with Soviet Russia and thus disposed of an issue that helped spark the Jordanian crisis.

While his security forces pressed a roundup of Communists and other elements suspected of promoting unrest, the young monarch got around to rejecting a resolution adopted three weeks ago by the government of leftist Suleiman Nabulsi for an exchange of envoys between Amman and Moscow.

Hussein fired Nabulsi April 10, shortly after the reseolution came out, and set off the chain of events which now finds the desert kingdom quiet under martial law. The King had asked Nabulsi's government to launch an anti-Communist propaganda campaign.

Ike Asks Action

WASHINGTON, April 28--With the return of Congress tomorrow from a ten day Easter vacation, President Eisenhower is expected to reinforce efforts of his Senate and House leaders to get action on his lagging legislative program.


On tap immediately is another meeting of the Senate Judiciary Committee vote last March 19.

Chairman Eastland (D-Miss.) has said that "in all probability" the committee will begin consideration of the measure at tomorrow's meeting,
