
Lacrossemen Play

The varsity lacrosse team, its already thin ranks seriously depleted by recent injuries, will face a severe test of stamina this afternoon when it faces the M.I.T. squad at the Tech field. The Engineers' team can hardly be rated powerful, however, and the predicted brea kin the heat wave should work to the Crimson's advantage.

If the varsity can overcome its weakness in reverses, which was the major factor in its 10 to 5 loss to Cornell Saturday, Coach Bruce Munro's squad has a good chance to net its first win of the season.

Jerry Cotter, Mike Shaw, and Dub Mallonee will start on attack. Captain Mac Hyde, Jim Gale, and Tim Draper will open at midfield, with Bob Shaunessy, John Baldwin, and John Crump at defense, and Dick MacKinnon in the goal. Both Dick Pille and Jim Herscot, who normally would start, are out with ankle injuries.

The next contest for the squad after this afternon's game, will be a contest with Penn here at 2 p.m. this Saturday afternoon.
