

The Mail

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

In yesterday's CRIMSON (April 23) it was stated that Le Corbeiller will take ove Nat. Sci. 2 in 1957-58; that the course has been renamed The Foundations of Modern Physical Science, and that the mathematics prerequisite has been abandoned.

For the sake of correct information of prospective students, I would like to point out that, subject to approval by the Committee on Educational Policy, (1) Nat. Sc. 2 will be given by Gerald Holton in the fall term, and P. LeCorbeiller in the spring term, and they are establishing the overall program in close collaboration; (2) there will be optional laboratory exercises replacing some of the essays, and (3) , there will be optionable sections; in which relevant parts of the calculus will be taught and put to use. P. LeCorbeiller.
