
Anti-Western Agitators Threaten Khalidi's Government in Jordan; Ike Predicts End of Arms Race

AMMAN, Jordan, April 23--This sorely beset kingdom was plunged today into its second political crisis in two weeks. An ugly turn of events threatened. Premier Hussein Khalidi at a stormy conference fought off demands of all political parties that he and his Cabinet resign.

Khalidi, a man inclined toward the West and backed by King Hussein, has been in office only a week. Leftists elements called a general strike for tomorrow, and small anti-Khalidi demonstrations broke out in the Arab section of Jerusalem and two other west Jordan cities, Jerico and Nablus.

The new crisis arose from charges that young King Hussein's palace was in league with the British and Americans in plots against Jordan's independence and liberty. The charge was made Saturday by Maj. Gen. Ali Hayari, who fled to Syria and resigned as army chief of staff. Representatives of all political parties met Khalidi and his Cabinet of six independents and one National Socialist for a showdown.

Arms Race End Seen

AUGUSTA, Ga., April 23--President Eisenhower today expressed new confidence the East-West atomic weapons race can be halted. He pictured an arms reduction as "indispensable" but likely to be a slow process.


His views were outlined after he had conferred with Harold E. Stssen, his adviser on disarmament matters.

Mitchell to See Ike

WASHINGTON, April 22--Secretary of Labor Mitchell will confer with President Eisenhower Thursday on possible new laws to prevent misuse of union funds.

James C. Hagerty, White House press secretary, said today that Mitchell has been called to Augusta, Ga., where Eisenhower is vacationing, to talk over the possibility of legislation.
