
Paradise Regained

Come fill the Cup, and in the Fire of Spring

The Winter Garment of Repentance fling ... --OMAR KHAIYAM

Having just had a fire ourselves, we looked around for our hair-shirt to throw in the sodden mess, and found that we had indeed been suffering barely discernable pricks of conscience. Having disposed of these, we find ourselves much more tolerant of the world. Indeed, we feel slightly euphoric.

In the clutches of this vernal mood, we take delight in all that we see. We can no longer be moved to anger by social injustice, graft, incompetence, the Student Council, and the Republican party. We can nonchalantly ignore the need for slower reform in the History Department and faster reform in the English Department. We can eat what is put before us in the dining halls. We can be positive and pleasant.

If we have sinned, we are ready to forgive ourselves and forget ourselves. For it is spring, and we are free.
