
Pro-West Khalidi Fails in Attempt To Form Government in Jordan; Saturday Mail Service to Be Cut

AMMAN, Jordan, April 11--An advocate of continued ties with the West failed today in an attempt to form a new government for Jordan, reliable reports claimed.

Young King Hussein, who suddenly and dramatically dismissed the pro-Syrian government of Premier Suleiman Nabulsi yesterday, asked Dr. Hussein Fakhri Khalidi to form a new government. Stubborn opposition from the Left appeared to have foredoomed his chances.

Khalidi, foreign minister until the Nabulsi government took over last October on a wave of anti-Western sentiment, is considered an elder statesman with leanings toward the West.

Mail Service Reduced

WASHINGTON, April 11--The House adjourned today until Monday, in the face of a Saturday deadline set by Postmaster General Summerfield for cutting back mail service unless he gets more money.


This made certain, on the basis of Summerfield's statement to senators, that there will be no regular mail deliveries this Saturday, and that no post offices will be open Saturday and Sunday.

Ike Asks Soil Bank Cut

WASHINGTON, April 11--President Eisenhower asked Congress today to reduce the appropriation he has requested for the soil bank program from $1,254,000,000 to a flat billion dollars.

The 254-million-dollar reduction would be in funds he has asked for the fiscal year beginning July 1.

Agriculture Department officials explained that farmer participation in the soil bank program apparently would fall short of the government goal.

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