
Linguistics Dept. Plans Joint Major

Urges Closer Tie With Other Fields

A new program which reflects the increased relation between the theory of language, and fields such as mathematics and social relations will become part of the undergraduate curriculum next fall, Joshua Whatmough, chairman of the Department of Linguistics, announced yesterday.

Whatmough explained that students would be able to combine Linguistics as a field of concentration with courses in other departments, such as Philosophy, Applied Mathematics, and Social Relations.

Under the existing requirements, a concentrator in Linguistics is required to combine his work with at least two courses in various language departments.

The new program will allow a student to take courses in other fields, subject to the approval of the Linguistics Department after consultation with the other departments involved.

Normally, concentrators will choose six approved courses, of which at least two will be in Linguistics and two in the combined subject. The remaining two courses may be selected from those regularly approved as related courses by the two departments.


Whatmough pointed out that the broader program would allow students to pursue interests in communication theory and technique, and also in the relation of science to language.

He mentioned the relatively new application of mathematics to language translation as a possible area of study for persons who want to combine a science with humanities.

Students majoring in Linguistics combined with other subjects will have the option of either writing a 10,000-word thesis or of taking an additional advanced full course, or two half courses in the Department.

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