
Appointment Of New Coach May Be Today

Corporation Seen As Naming Mentor

The University may have a football coach this afternoon if rumors of what the Corporation did yesterday are true.

According to reliable sources the Corporation made the decision after meeting Monday throughout the day, adjourning for dinner and holding a special night session.

It is believed that the announcement will be made this afternoon, possibly for Wednesday morning papers.

Although the decision seemed definitely to have been made, there was no clear indication as to who was chosen among the long list of contenders.

Speculation on leading contenders picked up in the Boston papers during the week, but barring news leaks in the Department of Athletics, much of the speculation was pure guess-work.


There seems to be some agreement however, that Davey Nelson, coach at Delaware, is the strongest candidate. A former Crimson assistant, Nelson's teams in nine years have won 53, lost 17, and tied four. He has been associated with Iowa and Maine teams in addition to his present position.

Although Nelson has been rated over the other contenders, Stanford's George Lynn and the Crimson's Josh Williams are also considered in the running.

Lynn, a former Ohio State quarter-back, was assistant to Bear Bryant at Kentucky and Texas A&M before moving to Oklahoma and then Stanford.

If players' preference is counted for much, however, Harvard backfield coach Josh Williams may receive the Corporation's approval. Williams is known to have received strong support from the present football team and, at one time at least, to have some support within the Faculty Committee on Athletics.

Other frequently mentioned coaches for the position include Phil Cutchin, quarterback coach at Texas A&M, and Chief Boston, head coach at the University of New Hampshire. Yesterday, Gettysburgh's coach John Yovicsin was also mentioned as a dark horse.

Yesterday the Boston Herald stated without clarification that a coach would be selected before Wednesday.
