
Worthy Says Herald Misrepresented Him

William Worthy, the Nieman Fellow who spent 41 days in Communist China, in a letter to the Boston Herald accused that paper of inaccurate and slanted reporting.

He said that the paper quoted him falsely as saying that he did not have "a legal leg to stand on." Although this was changed in later articles to "the State Department, in his opinion, did not have a legal leg to stand upon," the Herald did not mention that this was a correction, Worthy claimed.

He also objected to the word "sneaked" in the sentence which stated that he "sneaked behind the Bamboo Curtain." He said that this was particularly inaccurate since he had warned the State Department that he would go to China.

Worthy will give a talk on conditions in Communist China in New Lecture Hall, Tuesday, March 5, at 8 p.m. His talk will be sponsored by the Crimson and the American Friends Service Committee.
