
Ufford Takes Foster Squash Championship

Charlie Ufford defeated Cal Place yesterday to win the Foster Trophy, symbolic of the University Squash Championship. Ufford won in three games, 15-6, 15-10, and 15-7, from the second man on the Crimson varsity.

The 6 foot, 5 inch Law student's tremendous reach gave him almost complete control of the court, and his widely varied game, combining great power with deft touch, kept Place from ever getting set. The Crimson player contested every point, however, and the match was much closer than the score indicated.

Ufford was the tournament's second seeded player behind defending champion Ben Heckscher, who was forced to default in the second round because of pre-vacation tennis practice. A former varsity squash captain, Ufford is one of the country's leading players.
