The story was almost all Kirkland as the final results in the House Intramurals filtered in. The season figures indicate that the Deacons led the House competition in wrestling, fencing, swimming, and basketball.
In House wrestling, Kirkland's 27 points were enough to top Dunster, with 21, and to swamp Winthrop and Leverett. The Puritans and the Bunnies tied for third place with 5 points.
The Deacon fencers also had an easy time of it, defeating Dunster and Leverett by a score of 10 to 5.
Kirkland's swimmers shut out the rest of the league, winning all seven of their meets. Adams and Winthrop with 5-2 records were runners-up.
With the point scores of both leagues combined, Kirkland's quintet tied with Eliot's to capture its fourth House crown. Dunster and Winthrop tied for second place in the basketball standings.
The Dudley Commuters stole a few laurels from the Deacons, as they eked out the championship in intramural boxing. The locals earned 19 points, and Kirkland's boxers captured 18. Winthrop took third place with 10 points.
Winthrop's squash team did slightly better. With the points of the "A," "B," and "C" Leagues combined, the Puritans led Dunster and Kirkland for their lone league championship.
In hockey, Lowell's 11-2-1 record bettered Winthrop's 9-2-2 and Kirkland's 7-6-1. Leverett with a 7-7-0 record placed a close fourth.
With the volleyball season not yet ended, Kirkland leads the League.
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