
Freedom Council Drive Secures Support of Dean, Union Committee

For Hungarian Scholarship

The Harvard Freedom Council has secured both the support of the Freshman Union Committee, and F. Skiddy von Stade Jr. '38, Dean of Freshmen, in its prospective fund-raising drive to help finance future Hungarian scholarship students at the University.

The Freedom Council, a freshman organization, aims at a goal of 90 per-cent participation in its canvassing of the class of '60; the Council hopes for individual contributions of about two dollars apiece. The campaign will commence after spring recess.

Following a speech by the Council's president, John Maher '60, the Union Committee agreed to endorse the campaign, and individually to help solicit funds from the Yardlings. Von Stade has promised to recommend the plan to freshman proctors, whose support, he said, will be invaluable in the dorm-to-dorm canvas.

Derek Winans, a member of the Council, revealed that he "had been given assurances" that the University would furnish tuition to Hungarian students, whose room, board, and other needed expenses had been defrayed by freshman contributions.
