
Magsaysay, Philippine President, Dies in Crash of Private Plane; Israel Blames U.N. for Gaza Crisis

MANILA, Monday, March 18--President Ramon Magsaysay's charred, burned body was found today by rescuers in the wreckage of his plane on Cebu Island.

The popular President's body was identified by his brother, Jesus, who flew to the scene in a helicopter.

This blasted the lingering hope of his family and staff in Manila that he might have survived the fiery crash on a Cebu mountain Sunday.

The crash also killed 25 others in his party. One passenger on the ill-fated plane, a Filipino newspaperman, miraculously survived. He was brought out by farmers.

Mrs. Meir Says Gaza Situation Spells Danger


NEW YORK, March 17--Israeli Foreign Minister Golda Meir today accused the United Nations of direct responsibility for the presence of Egyptian military personnel in the disputed Gaza Strip. The situation, she said, "spells danger to the security of Israel."

Mrs. Meir made the charge during a stopover here en route to Washington for emergency talks with Secretary of State John Foster Dulles on the worsening Middle East crisis.

Asked if Israel felt it was "sold out" by the United Nations because of the Gaza events and if Israel had lost faith in the U.N., she replied grimly:

"We will wait a day or two. We are not a nation that easily loses faith."

Mansfield Asks Boycott If Egypt Occupies Gaza

WASHINGTON, March 17--Sen. Mansfield (D-Mont.) called today for a free world boycott of the Suez Canal and emergency action by the United Nations if Egyptian troops reoccupy the Gaza Strip.

Mansfield, the assistant Democratic leader, made these proposals in a "memo on the Middle Eastern situation" prepared in advance for a scheduled appearance of Secretary of State Dulles before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee tomorrow.

Israel Fights Diplomatic Battles

JERUSALEM, March 17--Israel fought its new battle for the Gaza Strip on two diplomatic fronts today.

In Jerusalem, President David Ben-Gurion interrupted a Cabinet session to confer with U.S. Ambassador Edward B. Lawson on the Gaza crisis.

The other front was Washington, where Foreign Minister Golda Meir was presenting Israel's case.

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