
'Newsweek' to Report On Student Council's '56 Religious Survey

The Student Council report on religion at the University, released last year, will be published in part by Newsweek Magazine toward the end of next month, as part of a large report on Religion in Education, it was learned yesterday.

Newsweek expressed in January a desire to use the document for its report, and has waited to discuss it until they could "give it the best play possible," Miss Terry Ferrer, the magazine's religion editor, said yesterday. Miss Ferrer also spoke with several members of the Divinity School last week to gain further information for her article.

The Council had originally planned to place the report on the market just before Newsweek's article was published. The group decided early this week, however, that since this would not be until April or May, they would put the document on sale in about two or three weeks.

The Council hopes to recoup part of the printing costs through this nationwide sale. The group received a loan grant of $500 from President Pusey, but the report cost about $650 to print.


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