
Richards Will Aim TV Programs At Hungarian Refugee Teachers

A series of three television lessons in basic English will be broadcast on WGBH-TV beginning next week. The lessons are designed to "help people who want to aid our newly arrived Hungarian refugees learn English," according to I. A. Richards, University Professor.

The Language Research method of teaching, which was developed by Richards and Miss Christine Gibson, lecturer on Education, will be demonstrated on the program series.

"We hope that the television lessons will give a lift to the efforts of the Hungarians in the area, and that all of them will be able to listen," Richards stated.

The first program, to be broadcast on Tuesday evening, will demonstrate how to begin a class and will explain the Language Research method. Several of the mechanical teaching devices, including film loops and records, will be shown on the Thursday program.

Richards will appear on the third lesson to answer questions. Although the content of the final program is indefinite, he said that "we will be guided by the results of the first two in selecting material."


It is hoped that Miss Gibson, who is now in England setting up a similar language teaching program, will appear on the final lesson. "She is mainly responsible for the television development," Richards said.

He feels that "Language Research is not the only way to teach, but it is a good way." "We are not against any of the other methods," Richards added.
