
Varsity Will Fence

Discounting an early-season 1 8-9 practice session with Bradford-Durfee, the varsity fencing team will officially open its season tonight at 7 p.m. in the Indoor Athletic Building with the Boston University squad.

In the foil, Coach Marion plans to enter Manuel Cabral, Bill Bassetti, and Eliot Morison, who took the Bradford-Durfee fencers 5 to 4 in the first meet.

Mike Woolfe, Ten-Sui Mei, and Don Tingle will make up the starting sabre squad. This aggregate, which Marion calls his most "homogeneous" squad, eked out a 5-4 edge over Bradford-Durfee in its first outing.

Tony Enders, Bruch Parker, and Dave Schwartz will make up Marion's epee squad.
