
CRIMSON, AFSC Will Sponsor Report by Worthy on Red China

Defied Government Ban

William Worthy, the Nieman Fellow who spent 41 days in Red China, will speak on his impressions of the country next Tuesday, March 5, in New Lecture Hall. The CRIMSON, with the American Friends Service Committee, is sponsoring the talk.

Worthy's talk is entitled "Report From Communist China," and will begin at 8 p.m. It is free and open to the public. He will be introduced by Professor John K. Fairbank of the Far Eastern Research Center.

Worthy is one of three American newspapermen who incurred State Department wrath by violating a ban on travel in Communist China. He and two men from Look Magazine disregarded warnings that their passports were invalid for that country, and still face possible legal action and passport revocation. He returned to this country on Feb. 10.

Seeks Passport Renewal

On Monday of this week, Worthy applied for a renewal of his passport. Ordinarily, this procedure takes one to two weeks. His present passport expires on Monday, March 4.


Worthy reported on Red China for the Baltimore Afro-American, CBS Radio News, and the New York Post. Previously, he had covered the Bandung Conference, and had written a series of stories from Africa.
