
70 Writers to Hear Plans For Fund Program Today

Close to seventy Harvard graduates in the writing field will gather here today to be briefed on the Program for Harvard College.

The men are involved in writing for newspapers, magazines, radio and television, or in general writing. They include such names as Cleveland Amory '39, Brooks Atkinson '17, Nathaniel Benchley '38, Stuart Chase '10, John Dos Passos '16 and Walter D. Edmonds '26.

"This conference will be much like the alumni conference earlier this month," Laurence O. Pratt '26, public relations director of the Program, said last night. "The needs of the University and the background of the Program will be outlined to these men, with the idea that some of them might be interested in helping us in whatever way they see fit."

"The purpose of this conference is not specifically to enlist the writing of these men in the cause," William Bentinck Smith '37, assistant to the President added. "We are mainly trying to bring together a group of our friends connected with public opinion to let them know about our Program."

The conference will get underway at nine o'clock this morning in the Dunster House library. President Pusey, Gordon M. Fair, master of Dunster, Carroll F. Miles, Allston Burr Senior Tutor in Dunster, Daniel S. Cheever, director of University Alumni Affairs, and several students will describe the present status and needs of the University.
