
Sextet Favored to Defeat Williams

After its convincing defeat of Dartmouth last Saturday, the varsity hockey team will, in effect, turn its eyes to the scoreboards until the Yale game on March 2. The game with Williams at Williamstown this afternoon should not alter this waiting game that Crimson coach Cooney Welland's team must play.

As the varsity will not play any other teams directly concerned with the NCAA selections (B.U., B.C., Clarkson, St. Lawrence, and R.P.I.) it must do two things: sit back and hope someone knocks off one or two of the New York teams; and then win all the rest of its games. The two Yale games, at the Garden, and at New Haven on March 9 will be the two real tests.

Last year at Watson Rink, the Crimson trampled the Williams sextet, 10 to 3, and although Williams coach Bill McCormick reports that his squad this year is "my best in the past three seasons," the score will probably be about the same. The only real reason for any Williams optimism today is the fact that they will be playing on their own ice--an outside rink with an unpredictable surface.

Williams Gained Tie

The Williams sextet's only accomplishment this year has been a tie for first place in the Hamilton Invitational tourney. Dick Lombard, Dave Crook, and Rick Driscoll will make up their starting line, while George Welles and Howie Patterson will make up the defense. Dick Marr will start at goal.


Weiland will probably start the same team that faced Dartmouth on Saturday with Bob Cleary centering the first line of Lyle Guttu and Paul Kelley. Ed Owen and John Copeland will alternate with Mo Balboni and Dick McLaughlin at defense, and Captain Jim Bailey will start in the nets.

The freshman hockey team, which boasts a record of eight wins and two losses for the season, will try for its ninth victory when it faces Boston College at Watson Rink Thursday..
