
Sanders 'Inadequate' for Summer Drama Festival

Will Move to Brandeis

The Cambridge Drama Festival, one of the major non-curricular attractions at the Harvard Summer School, will be held instead at Brandeis University this year, according to Thomas E. Crooks, Assistant Director of the Summer School.

"The Festival group feels that the facilities of Sanders Theatre are inadequate," Crooks said. "But I certainly hope that they will return to Cambridge at some time in the future."

The loss of the Cambridge Festival seems to point out the lack of adequate dramatic facilities at the University. Last June, The Report of the Committee on the Visual Arts at Harvard University called for the construction of a Harvard Theatre, and President Pusey has included a theatre high on the list of priorities in the Program for Harvard College.

Financial Difficulties

Although the Drama Festival is not officially sponsored by any Harvard organization, its producers are closely associated with the Poet's Theatre and with the old Brattle Theatre drama programs.


The Harvard Summer School Preliminary Announcement pointed out earlier that the Drama group had had "financial problems," and continued that "we hope that the Festival may continue in 1957, maintaining the high level set last summer."

The plays presented last year were "Henry V," directed by Douglas Seale of the Old Vic, "The Beggar's Opera," and a performance of Saint Joan" with Siobhan McKenna. This year's program has not been announced.

Crooks also announced that a conference on the development of an adequate program for teaching the nature of communism in universities will be held at the Summer School.
