
Pusey Gives Facts Today About Drive

Will Discuss Fund Drive for College

President Pusey will hold a press conference tomorrow afternoon to discuss the Program for Harvard College which he introduced on October 30, 1956 in a special report to the Overseers.

The press conference is expected to clarify the University's present position with regards to the plans put forward by Pusey in his report.

The most urgent need, according to Pusey, is for additional housing. "One House immediately, two more as quickly as can be had, and as well, increased dormitory space for freshmen" would be required to solve the present housing problems, he stated.

Pusey also noted that it might be necessary to find an "appropriate replacement" for Memorial Hall "which would preserve its memorial quality." He emphasized the "long-standng need for a theater and for increased facilities for the study of art."

One of the University's most pressing needs was housing facilities for married students and young married professors, which Pusey brought out in the report. Increased housing for these people would "re-establish a community of learning" which has been damaged by many "members of the University faculty moving away from Cambridge."


In addition, he asked for better facilities for the Chemistry Department, the Astronomy Department, and the fast growing Department of Social Relations.

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