After fifteen long hours yesterday, scientists and reporters at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Institute finally ended their wait for the expected launching of the first United States satellite.
Air Force scientists at Cape Canaveral, Florida, announced at 11 p.m. last night that the entire operation had been suspended until further notice. They gave no time or date when they expected to resume the test, but observers at the Institute thought that there would be some word today.
The original launching, scheduled for dawn, was postponed until the supposed zero hour of 4 p.m. yesterday. However, continual troubles occurred and the satellite never got up. Launching times were set and postponed six times during the evening.
Observers at the Institute felt that the scientists could not pin down the exact causes of the trouble. But reports from the launching site indicated that the reason for the delay may have been the necessity for further technical adjustments, an exhausted crew, or fuel difficulties.
Scientists kept an anxious watch from early Wednesday morning until nearly midnight. Dr. John White, Director of Public Information at Smithsonian, remained at the Observatory until 11:30 p.m. and one reporter was present from 9:30 a.m. on.
Reports kept coming in from the launching site stating that the satellite would go up at a certain time. When the time came, word would arrive that the firing was further postponed. The count-down was finally ended at 9:25, but notification did not come until 10:30.
At that point, one newspaperman was willing to bet that rocket would not get up before 9 a.m. this morning. Bets and predictions flew back and forth until direct reports confirmed that the operation was definitely suspended.
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