
Radcliffe Students Plan to Address Alumnae Groups in Fund Campaign

The Radcliffe Student Council has asked about 150 Annex undergraduates to aid the College's $10,000,000 fund drive by volunteering to speak before alumnae groups during Christmas vacation.

Letters sent out yesterday suggested that the students could do a service to Radcliffe by informing graduates in their home areas about current college life. "Because you know Radcliffe," the letter read, "you can serve an invaluable function as being a resource person for alumnae groups."

The executives of the Council selected the students, primarily juniors and seniors, who might be interested in the project and who live in areas of the country with Radcliffe clubs.

New York and Boston Omitted

New York and Boston, however, were omitted from the list because these clubs normally maintain close contact with the College and because the large numbers of students from these cities would make selection of speakers difficult, it was said.


If a student answers affirmatively that she will be home for Christmas and willing to speak, Miss Mildred P. Sherman, Dean of College Relations, will send the girl's name to the alumnae group nearest her home. Each Radcliffe Club will then decide if it wishes to invite an undergraduate speaker.

The proposal emerged in a Council meeting last month when Mrs. Carl J. Gilbert, president of the Radcliffe Board of Trustees, spoke about the Ten-Year Plan for Radcliffe.

Miss Susan Olsen '58, Council president, said last night that the project may be repeated during spring recess.
