
Teams Here Asked Not to Solicit Funds

Tennis, Squash Gain Major Sports Status

Friends of Harvard athletic teams will not be asked for gifts this year to aid the teams in financing their annual spring recess trips. In an effort to concentrate the strength of the appeal of the Program for Harvard College, University officials have requested that the teams do not solicit alumni assistance this year.

The Faculty Committee on Athletics voted last night to officially approve the resolution passed last week by the Undergraduate Athletic Council to elevate squash and tennis to the status of major sports. When informed of the news, Jack Barnaby, coach of both teams, stated, "This will certainly be a big boost to the teams. The boys of the last ten years or so have worked hard and earned this distinction."

The teams most directly affected by the drive's curtailment are baseball, tennis, and squash. At their annual dinner, the baseball team decided by a vote of this year's potential squad members to finance their own trip on a combination of the remainder of last year's funds and donations from each of the 20 players who will be making the trip this year.

Some Pay Own Way

According to Jack Barnaby, coach of both the tennis and squash teams, those members of his squads who are financially able will pay their own way. Others may apply for aid from the interest on the $20,000 Palmer Dixon grant, a gift apportioned equally between the two teams for expenses not underwritten by the H.A.A. The teams may, however, have difficulty in attending the squash nationals held in late February and the Prentice Cup Tournament held in England during the summer months.


In justification of their stand on the matter, Lawrence O. Pratt '26, Publicity Director of the Program, said, "The curtailment is not applied only to athletics. Many departments of the University that make an annual or periodic solicitation have been asked to hold back this year in deference to the larger and more important need of the Program for Harvard College. We're trying to cut down efforts to sandbag Harvard alumni."

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