
Oxford Fellow Speaks on Britain, Mideast; Cites 'Latent Uneasiness' About U.N. Role

"Britain thinks of the United Nations as a 'talk-shop,' while the United States considers it more as an agency of definite action," said H. G. Nicholas of Oxford University last night in the Upper Common Room of Adams House in a talk on "Great Britain, the United Nations, and the Middle East."

Discussing British public opinion at the time of the Anglo-French invasion of Suez last year, which he described as "a national aberration" on the part of England, Nicholas mentioned the brief flare-up of anti-U.N. feeling. He emphasized that the British now support the U.N. as strongly as they had before the crisis, and that British relations within the United Nations were, surprisingly, as friendly as ever.

"However," he added, "the incident left a latent uneasiness in Britain about the role of the United Nations in events concerning vital interests of Great Britain."

Mr. Nicholas is the first of several speakers who will stay at Adams House this year under the Ford Foundation Grant. He will be available for discussion with interested students today in Adams E-22, from 11:15 to 12:15 and again from 3:30 to 4:30.
