
Ski Club Builds Bath House at N.H. Lodge

The Ski Club will use its newly-built Finnish sauna as a big selling point in its membership meeting at 7:30 tonight in the Adams House Upper Common Room.

The sauna, or steam bath-house, was built last year next to the Ski Club's cabin in Pinkham Notch, N. H. It was made possible by a gift from Alexander H. Bright '19, and was completed with funds from the Club's treasury. Labor was supplied by members of the Ski Club when the skiing was poor.

In the sauna, rocks are heated on a special Finnish stove, and water is poured over them at intervals, causing an instantaneous release of "dry" heat, according to club president Peter A. A. Berle, '58. Purists beat one another with birch twigs, and finish by racing from the 180* sauna into a snowbank. Berle called the sauna "very relaxing."
