
'Advocate' Runs Out Of Poetic Graduates

"The Advocate Poet Series may not occur this year because all the alumni poets who haven't given the series are dead," A. Whitney Ellsworth '58, president, revealed yesterday.

The Series, given by a famous poet who is an alumnus of the Advocate, may, however, be given by William Faulkner, neither as an alumnus nor a poet, if the Nobel prizewinner accepts the magazine's invitation.

Previous poets who have given the Series include T. S. Eliot '10, Archibald MacLeish, Boylston Professor of Rhetoric, and E. E. Cummings '15.

For its medium-sized poetry reading series, Ellsworth and his staff have invited Richard Wilbur, author of the Pulitzer prize-winning novel "Beautiful Changes." Wilbur, now teaching at Wellesley, was the speaker at the June meeting of Phi Beta Kappa.

Robert Lowell, Boston poet, has also been invited to this reading, which will be held in the second or third week of November. Richard G. Eberhart, New England poet gave this series last year.


The advocate will also sponsor an undergraduate reading during November.
