
Dining Halls Order 5000 Pounds Of Holiday Fowls for Thursday

Turkey and Sympathy

The Dining Halls will stage a full-scale Thanksgiving dinner for Thursday's lunch to reward those who remain for the holiday. William A. Heaman, manager of Dining Halls, reported that his department has purchased 5,000 pounds of "grade A" Tom Turkey for the huge meal.

An enormous assortment of vegetables will accompany the birds on the main course, and dining halls will serve the extra fare on tables decorated for the occasion.

For trimmings the kitchens will provide three kinds of pie and a pudding for desert plus miscellaneous items to spice up the meal. Each student may, theoretically at least, eat all he wants.

Dean Ballard announced that the Winthrop and Lowell House dining halls will be closed all day and residents of those Houses may eat in any other House. Meals will be served at holiday hours, between 12 and 1:30 p.m.

The department expects about half the student body to be on campus and thus the cost of the meal, though more per capita, will round out to just slightly more than average full meal per person.
