
Crimson Sports Car Racers Conquer Yale; HAA Schedules Over 200 Winter Contests

Harvard's Motor Sports Club out-sped its Yale opponents last Sunday in the first "Jim Khana" racing event ever held at New Haven, president Mike Chamberlain announced yesterday. Although final results are still in the mail, the Crimson definitely captured first place in both under and over the 1500 cc. classes.

Winner of the last meet, John Welch '59, repeated his performance by placing first in all three events to lead the small car class in an MG A. Chamberlain won the large car class in a Porsche by twice placing first and once third.

Chamberlain was handicapped in the third event, a "potato race on wheels," by the fact that his closed top Porsche forced him to drop the potatoes through the window.

Because the New Haven police expressed "great satisfaction" with the conduct of the event, it is very likely that a special hill climb with Yale will be held in the spring at New Haven, Chamberlain said.

Winter Sports Schedule


Nearly 200 events have been scheduled for Crimson winter athletic teams on the official H.A.A. winter sports calender. A total of 19 varsity and freshman teams will represent the Crimson in ten different sports.

Highlights of the schedule include a varsity hockey trip to Minneapolis at Christmas and the N.C.A.A. swimming championships at Ann Arbor, Mich., in March.

On Monday, Dec. 2, the varsity basketball team will open its season against the University of Massachusetts in an 8 p.m. tap-off at the I.A.B. The varsity hockey team will open against B.U. on Saturday Dec. 7, at the Boston Arena.
