
West Must Keep Scientific Lead, Prince Maintains

German, American Experts State Spatial Law Needed

Speaking on problems of international space law and on control of space last night, the Prince of Hanover stated that "we of the western world must, at all costs, succeed in maintaining our scientific supremacy so that our way of life will not perish."

The noted European space authority and grandson of Kaiser Wilhelm II added that the "whole civilized world is looking towards the United States for leadership" in the struggle for the control of space.

Andrew G. Haley, renowned American space expert, who shared the platform on the International Law Club's program, emphasized the fact that both our sociological and technical development must keep pace with the Russians to prevent "jeopardizing our own situation."

Haley maintained that the power who "gains mastery over the moon will have gone a long way towards mastery of the earth." He thought that jurisdiction over the moon is a "classical international law" problem which we, not the Russians, must answer.

The Prince discussed the question of space controls at some length and suggested that either the United Nations should set up space laws or a system similar to the present laws governing the high seas should be established.
