
Yale Daily News Employs Police To Prevent Spread of CRIME

The Yale Daily News and its heeler organization, the Yale police force, sadistically continued their traditional suppression of freedom of the press Saturday. Editors of the OCD, who apparently did not feel physically competent to stop New Haven distribution of the CRIMSON, had the Yale police confiscate a few hundred copies of the regular Saturday edition.

The CRIMSON was completely successful in its effort to prevent the editors of the Yale Daily News from getting any sleep on the preceding night.

The Yalie Daily, smarting from the CRIMSON'S parody of their sheet at the Yale-Princeton game, stayed up all night Friday to prevent distribution of a widely-rumored parody issue.

While this elaborate defense was being organized, a couple of Crimeds threw some CRIMSON'S into the back seat of a Volkswagen and drove down to New Haven.

The CRIMSON showed little aversion to the confiscation of half their papers, since their intended purpose was to prevent the Yalies from sleeping. Neither the police nor the managing editor of the OCD could find the other half, hidden in the vast expanse of the Volkswagen.


Sources close to the Yale police said that they were quite angry towards the Yalie Daily for having made Yale's finest look foolish. All in all, it was thought by Harvardmen a bright spot in an otherwise uneventful day.
