
Berman, Five Others Win Football Contest

Six winners have been selected in the CRIMSON's Football Forecast Contest. Of the six, Henry S. Berman '61 was the only one who picked the correct score. Berman, who came within 12 yards of picking Princeton's total yardage, won five dollars worth of books from Barnes and Noble.

Charles W. Schoenman 3L came with 8 yards of guessing the correct yardage, but missed the final score by one point. Schoenmen won a $5.50 meal ticket from Elsie's. Other winners were Bruce Denny-Brown '60, four free haircuts from Harvard Barber Shop; John Harte '61, two free LP records from The Turntable; John S. Hammond '59, free cleaning of a suit every week until Christmas vacation from the Gold Coast and Morris Kesselman of Brookline, a 4x5 in. color transparency from Ferranti-Dege.
