
University Pledges 1100 Pints In PBH Fall Blood Campaign

1100 pints of blood have been pledged to the P.B.H.-Red Cross Blood Drive, Stanley B. Lyss '58, chairman of the Drive announced last night.

Lyss called the total of pledges for the collection on December 2-6 "fairly good," but noted that it was down from last year. However, the complete returns are not yet in, and the Law School has not yet been solicited.

Kirkland House's total of 168 pledges was closely followed by Lowell's 164, 30 pledges from Straus led the Yard's total of 211 pints pledged. According to Lyss, the 200-pledges total from Radcliffe is substantially larger than last year.

Lyss said that the number of pledgers who actually give has been increasing steadily, and would probably come to about 60 to 75 per cent this year.
