UNITED NATIONS, N.Y., Oct. 30--Rival plans for settling the Syrian-Turkish border crisis were submitted to the U.N. General Assembly today. They reflected a split in the 82-nation body and it appears doubtful if either would get the required two-thirds approval.
Syria formally proposed that the Assembly appoint a seven-nation, fact-finding commission to investigate the situation on both sides of the border.
This move was countered immediately by a seven-nation resolution which merely expressed confidence that Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold is available to undertake tension-easing talks with Syria and Turkey, and if necessary make a trip to those countries. This resolution has the support of the United States.
Ike to Go to Paris
WASHINGTON, Oct. 30--President Eisenhower announced today that in the interests of bolstering "free world security" he plans to attend a NATO Council meeting in Paris in mid-December.
First, Eisenhower told a news conference, he will hold his annual session with congressional leaders of both parties. This, he said, will be "in the tradition of bipartisan responsibility for keeping the country on a single track in foreign relations."
As the President prepares for these conferences, he is still puzzled at the significance of Russia's dropping his postwar associate and acquaintance, Marshal Georgi Zhukov, as minister of defense.
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